EAGLES AUTISM CHALLENGE FOSTERS CONNECTION FOR KIMBERLY FEE Kimberly (Kim) Fee truly enjoys working with her team at Lincoln Financial Group (LFG). In fact, one of her friends and coworkers is the one who brought Kim over to the company 10 years ago this August. That feeling of camaraderie and support has become even stronger with Lincoln Financial Group’s sponsorship of the Eagles Autism Challenge. Kim’s son John, now 14, was diagnosed with autism by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 11 years ago. Described as super smart, sentimental, funny and quick-witted, John is towards the milder end of the spectrum and Kim credits that early intervention as critical to his development. Now at Franklin Towne Charter High School and participating with Holy Terror Stars athletics, the Fee family worked with KenCrest and Kinney Center for Autism Education and Support at St. Joseph’s University when John was younger. The fact that all of the funds raised by the Eagles Autism Foundation go directly to research and programming was very important to Kim and her family, as was the idea of moving to action (from awareness) to get the resources to those who are making a difference. The actual event has given Kim new, fun experiences of going through the Navy Yard and not only being at Lincoln Financial Field, but actually down on the field. She looks forward to meeting people at the Eagles Autism Challenge who are all supporting the same cause for the same reason, with everyone understanding that people have “different” abilities, not disabilities. Kim appreciates the support her coworkers have shown her during her own participation in the Eagles Autism Challenge and is excited to see more and more are registering for themselves each year. “Without their support, I wouldn’t have made my fundraising goal”, Kim said. “It has been humbling and made working for Lincoln Financial Group that much better.” Running into Lincoln Financial Group Executive Vice President, Chief People, Place and Brand Officer Lisa Buckingham at the event, drove home that the support is really from the top down. Lisa is a champion for the cause, rallying the entire organization, encouraging her coworkers to share their personal stories and spearheading Lincoln Financial Group’s Autism to Work pilot program, which gives Kim hope that her son will be able to find employment and have what is considered a “normal” life. Each year, the Eagles Autism Challenge gets bigger and better and Kim is looking forward to participating with both John and her daughter Jenna this upcoming year.
Kimberly Fee participates in the Eagles Autism Challenge for her son John.
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2020 Eag les Aut i sm Foundat ion
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